Students are expected to present in so many of their classes, but how often do we actually spend time on helping students become better presenters? So many of the student presentations I see involve a …
Swivl for Video Observations
Video Observations Put You at the Wheel By choosing which of your lessons to record and share, you can take charge of your own professional development. By making the most of Swivl’s hardware …
4 Tips for Flipping your Class
1. Start Small. Flipping your class is a big endeavor! Just like any journey of 1000 miles, start with just one step. Kick off by flipping single lesson or unit. If you’re a multi-subject teacher, …
Measuring Student Engagement During Observation
Historically, teacher observations happened infrequently, and were usually done by another school staff member who would sit in on a class. The observer would be tasked with watching the whole class …
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Teachers Improve Practice with Video
This week, I had the pleasure of catching up with Natalie June, an inspiring educator from California and former Principal at the Aspire Rosa Parks Academy. We have told you about her passion for …
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Use Annotations to Accelerate Language Learning
Use Annotated Videos to Accelerate Language Learning Using video for student reflection can accelerate the retention of new language skills by inspiring that “A-ha!” moment in a novel way. …
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A Quick Take on Swivl
I’ve been waiting for this moment for months. Our demo Swivl unit arrived yesterday afternoon, and we began playing with it after school. I’ve got a student teacher in Kindergarten who will need to be …
Biology Teacher Uses a Simple Group Learning Observation Tool
How can a teacher get the most out of small group learning and truly understand the dynamics of group work in their class? With so many students to pay attention to, how can one take a close look at …
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Plug Your Disengaged STEM Students back in with Digital Storytelling
While for many students, STEM Lab or going to the Maker Studio at their school might be their favorite part of the day, we’ve all encountered the student who has totally disengaged from science or …
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Educators Build on Reflective Teaching Practices to Get Students College-Ready
Mrs. Natalie June is an elementary school principal at the Aspire Rosa Parks Academy in Stockton, CA and a true leader in education. Having just wrapped up her 11th year at Rosa Parks, this passionate …