This article introduces the key benefits of integrating M2+MirrorTalk into your Reflectivity program. M2 is an AI-powered platform that prioritizes reflection, captures video evidence, and manages small groups. Available as hardware and software, its integrated MirrorTalk software uses AI to measure learning via customized verbal reflection prompts. Durable, mobile, and uniquely sized, Mirror is a versatile teaching assistant that promotes professional growth, innovative teaching practice, and peer collaboration.
Reflection helps you see more in your classroom
Teachers often focus on superficial aspects when observing their classes, overlooking crucial elements like student comprehension gaps, patterns within repetitive student misbehavior or passive engagement. Regular reflection can help prioritize their insights and strengthen their metacognitive abilities. To address this:
- Teachers regularly reflect on MirrorTalk on lesson goals and activities.
- Teachers record using M2 to capture 180-degree classroom views, track teacher movement, and collect isolated student audio, automatically exporting the video to Reflectivity.
- In Reflectivity, teachers use time-stamped annotations to identify off-task behavior and bookmark moments of perceived understanding.
- During the next reflection with MirrorTalk, teachers compare video insights with new realizations to draw conclusions about necessary adjustments they need to make.
This reflect-record-reflect cycle enhances teachers’ self-critique and problem-solving skills and fosters autonomy. This means they require less administrator intervention overall and build resilience when they receive formal observation feedback.

Reflection makes teachers more coachable
Studies demonstrate that systematic progress monitoring leads to twice the implementation rate of new teaching practices. By “systematic” we mean as often as daily, not quarterly or bi-annually. With M2+Reflectivity, it takes minimal effort and setup to make this a sustainable reality.
M2 delivers in-the-moment support to teachers daily by:
1. Actively observing the class and generating feedback to support instruction
2. Tailoring the feedback to teachers’ specific lessons and objectives
3. Aligning recommendations to the teachers’ goals for that day
And when formal observations are needed, M2 captures 180-degree classroom views, tracks teacher movement, and collects isolated student audio, resulting into a ready-to-review video on Reflectivity.
The synergy between M2 and Reflectivity will revolutionize and streamline coaching. M2 is a powerful tool for daily feedback, allowing teachers to build self-awareness and get support when they need it. This process primes teachers to become more adaptable, flexible, and receptive during 1:1 conversations with their coaches.
Reflectivity completes the cycle by facilitating rich, structured interactions between teachers and their coaches through the Discussions feature, inspiring their goals for their next cycle. This integrated approach, combining daily feedback with M2 and conversations within Reflectivity, creates sustainable and transformative video coaching programs.

Reflection builds trust
Building trust is fundamental to meaningful professional growth and is a cornerstone in M2+MirrorTalk and Reflectivity. Teachers need protected spaces to develop their reflective practice before and after recording. MirrorTalk – embedded on M2 and available on any device – further reinforces the support cycle through several key features.
- Teachers engage in private, talk-based reflection in MirrorTalk, customized to agreed-upon objectives
- With M2+MirrorTalk coaches gain invaluable insights into mindset, tone, and cognitive bias. It allows you to skip the recall and jump straight into meaningful, targeted discussions with every teacher that drive real growth.
- In Reflectivity, teachers privately review observations videos first, using time-stamped annotations to document observations before choosing what to share with coaches
- Both platforms enable gradual collaboration through selective sharing features, letting teachers open their practice to peers when confident.
This trust-centered design helps teachers build confidence naturally while maintaining ownership of their growth journey. Schools report that this approach leads to more meaningful collaboration as teachers share their practice from a position of readiness rather than requirement.

Reflection inspires teachers to pursue challenges
Providing teachers access to Mirror and Reflectivity empowers them to pursue more challenges in their own professional growth. A popular mechanism is through National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) certification, a multi-year process involving deep reflection on one’s planning process, incorporating videos from the classroom, and providing supportive student evidence.
- With M2, teachers can record their classroom displaying an expansive view of both instruction and a collection of crisp audio of teacher and student discourse.
- Teachers export their videos to Reflectivity to annotate for self-reflection.
- Teachers share the video with peers on Reflectivity to facilitate discussions which helps them narrow down the perfect exemplar to attach to their NBPTS submission.
- Next, teachers set up students to participate in project-based and hands-on activities using M2.
- In MirrorTalk, teachers gather insights on student engagement and collect evidence of student learning to attach to their NBPTS submission

Reflection fortifies professional learning communities
Teachers spend an excessive amount of time during in-person and virtual PD workshops analyzing and discussing student assessment data. However, many organizations do not have formal data dialogue protocols to ensure these conversations stay aligned, structured, and impactful.
When students reflect with MirrorTalk, they gain a “whole-child” analysis automatically, significantly reducing the time it takes to gather data points from various student artifacts. MirrorTalk’s AI provides insights on individual and whole class content understanding, challenge level, mindset, cognitive bias, and more. Trends are easily identified in MirrorTalk’s dashboard, giving teachers a head-start during PD time and a basis for ongoing discussions in Reflectivity long after the workshop ends.
Multi-layered reflection using MirrorTalk and Reflectivity is the key to organization-wide collaboration and self-sustaining professional development.
- First, teachers reflect in MirrorTalk on their progress and pain points.
- Next, they incorporate student reflection data from MirrorTalk to discover learning gaps and developmental concerns.
- Finally, using Reflectivity’s Topics feature, teachers share findings, identify commonalities, and create actionable game plans in the discussion threads that help everyone succeed.

M2+MirrorTalk and Reflectivity were made for each other
The integration of M2, MirrorTalk, and Reflectivity creates a powerful ecosystem for professional growth and collaboration in your organization.
By combining M2’s innovative hardware and AI-powered MirrorTalk software with Reflectivity’s robust collaborative platform, everyone in your organization gains access to a comprehensive toolkit that transforms the way they approach professional development.
As teachers become more self-aware, adaptable, and collaborative, the ultimate beneficiaries are the students, who reap the rewards of innovative, responsive teaching practices. And isn’t that the whole point?
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