We’re excited to announce our latest MirrorTalk release, featuring improvements that make reflection more accessible and personalized for learners across all educational levels.
Expanded Lesson
A new, expanded Lesson is waiting on the dashboard for every new reflection completed by you and your group participants. The Lesson will feel more detailed, personalized, and actionable, revealing key insights you may be overlooking that are crucial to your growth.

Streamlined Dashboard
A new compressed view of reflection cards offers a quick overview of how your group is thinking, with one-click access to each participant’s detailed feedback and scores.

Customizable Participant View
You can now choose between a full or limited dashboard experience for group participants. Show the full set of scores and insights, or opt for a more focused view with only understanding scores and the lesson.

Copy Insights to Share
Easily copy feedback and scores from any reflection card to share via email or documents. Perfect for sharing reflection insights with parents, coaches, and colleagues.

Simplified Reflection Setup
We’ve reduced the choices required to setup a new reflection without compromising on any functionality. Plus, you can now manually enter prompts from scratch when the situation calls for it.

Next Steps
The updates are now live for all users! Visit your dashboard to try them today.
Your feedback continues to drive our improvements, and we’re committed to making MirrorTalk an essential tool for building reflective thinking foundations.
Share what how your thinking has improved since you started reflecting with MirrorTalk by tagging MirrorTalk on Bluesky.
Expand the lesson even further with MirrorTalk + M2

MirrorTalk + M2 is the unique classroom assistant that captures the best data for observation and daily feedback for teachers, turns small group station dreams into a reality, and prioritizes reflection for everyone in class.
Schedule a live demo to learn more!