One of an educator’s primary roles is to assess a student’s grasp of learning objectives and understand how they construct meaning and demonstrate their understanding of the concepts being taught.
Formative assessment is one tool educators often pull from their kits to measure understanding but can be time-consuming to prepare and administer and lack dimension around a student’s mental transformations.
Ideal formative assessment (for 30 students):
4.25 hrs per class
15 min
30 min
1 min per student
Have a 1:1 convo
5 min per student
Synthesize and
plan next steps
30 min
Typical formative assessment (for 30 students):
Typical formative assessment, while providing numerous insights, is often impractical due to the excessive time required to synthesize the data, develop tailored plans, and effectively reach each student.
1.3 hrs per class
15 min
5 min
1 min per student
Synthesize and
plan next steps
30 min
One drawback of an exit ticket is that students are not as candid or expansive as they can be when talking out loud, so it’s not 100% clear they achieved mastery.
Formative assessment with MirrorTalk:
14 min per class
2 min
2 min
Synthesize and
plan next steps
10 min
1 min per student
Begin measuring your students’ Understanding with MirrorTalk. Schedule a live demo with the Swivl team to learn more.