Interested in using Swivl solutions in your organization but lacking budget or unsure if our tools qualify for your existing federal program funds? In this article, you will find funding opportunities to acquire our reflective tools.
Title I, II, and IV
Other regular funding sources available annually include federal Title programs. Title I, Title II and Title IV also have deadlines that vary state by state, district by district, so it’s important to check with your district or local agency to learn when yours are. Title I provides financial assistance to districts and local education agencies with high percentages of children from low-income families to ensure all children regardless of means have access to a high quality education. Title II works with states and local education agencies and is intended to support teachers, principals, and other school leaders to improve the overall quality of instruction. And finally, Title IV aims to provide all students access to a “well-rounded education” consisting of improvement to school conditions, use of technology, and digital literacy.
USDA rural development
A lesser known grant program for rural districts through USDA’s Rural Development department ensures rural educators and students have equitable access to federal programs in their regions. This grant program requires a 15% match and eligible purchases include: audio, video, and interactive video equipment, hardware, software, and instructional tools for distance education. The deadline to apply occurs annually, typically in April, and funds can be exercised for up to three years.
Swivl is a safe bet for funds in any category, promising long-term dividends for student academic achievement and teacher growth.
How Swivl qualifies
Our tools combine metacognitive and cognitive support through student and teacher reflection, SEL practice, and formative assessment generated by AI.
Hardware enables effective small group instruction, reducing the need to flex schedules for more co-teaching or other support staff to be present in the classroom.
For student academic achievement, data generated by Swivl solutions provides teachers insights into student progress more efficiently; allowing them to leverage their precious time to prioritize the students who need the most support.
For professional development, data generated by Swivl solutions can help drive rapid internal shifts in teaching practices and allow teachers to self-serve their own PD, narrowing resource gaps in coaching and mentorship programs.
For PBIS, Swivl solutions can be used as a proactive solution for administrators and counselors to promote positive behavior and give students a variety of tools to check in, reduce anxiety, and increase mindfulness.
Swivl’s tools are customizable for every type of learner, including adults, and the tools can be utilized in a wide range of activities both in and outside the classroom.
Better yet, Swivl offers personalized training and support for its products, ensuring your teachers don’t skip a beat in their understanding of the technology stack and can derive actual value from their usage for more extended periods of time.
Finally, Swivl’s solutions are available in a variety of formats, from standalone hardware to across web and mobile platforms, making it an investment that can be utilized in a wide variety of school environments.
To experience Swivl’s suite of offerings before committing your funds, or gain assistance in finding a state or local grant program that your organization qualifies for, get in touch with us for a free consultation and an opportunity to try our solutions before you buy.