The Swivl Adaptability Initiative is enabling us to establish collaborations with educational institutions and school districts, with the aim of cultivating dynamic learning communities.
Within the framework of this initiative, we’re also nurturing partnerships with educators and forward-thinking leaders in AI under the realm of our ongoing Adaptability Initiative Webinar Series.
Tim Dasey, Ph.D. presented on “The Underappreciated Impact of AI on Curriculum and Learning Models” on Tuesday, October 3, 2023, sharing how students navigating through this AI era must need to see big-picture 21sr century skills now more than ever.
Who is Tim Dasey
With a doctorate in Biomedical Engineering, Tim Dasey, Ph.D. spent 30 years of his career at MIT Lincoln Laboratory working in numerous technology areas and industries. With AI being a consistent thread in each career role at MIT, Tim ultimately cultivated unique viewpoints on leadership, AI, and transformation.
After twenty years of leading research and development teams, Tim made a giant leap to the user and strategy side of technology. With his book Wisdom Factories: AI, Games, and the Education of a Modern Worker, Tim blends arguments from AI, neuroscience, and personal experience.
What Tim presented
What are the changes in the skills needed for students? Instead of discussing how instruction can be revised to incorporate AI, Tim took a more systemic approach to AI’s impact on the broader labor market.
Change is happening extremely fast. Tim reminded us that because we do not know what the future of the workforce will be, the best approach that we can take is to set students up for adaptability. Work is becoming more global. Due to the uncertainty in the industry, more business models are moving from silo departments to increased collaboration. The need to bridge these disciplines is a must.
With AI’s evolution, some of the most significant changes it will require of educators, will happen in the very near future. AI is fundamentally a decision making technology, and though it is mistake-prone, Tim advocates that it cannot be missed.
Tim also noted that students will need to cultivate 21st Century Skills that will demand a challenge-based approach to learning. Known as the “Wisdom and Judgment Skills,” it is the experience in various situations that allow you to develop the big picture judgment skills. Intuition and reflection collectively provide the foundation for better judgment.
Check out the full webinar replay by clicking below.
We’re partnering with schools and districts around the country to create learning communities that fuel the momentum needed to build adaptability among teachers—especially when it comes to AI.
Connect with us to start building an adaptable community.