From micro-teaching to part-time field experience teaching in local K12 schools, video is an integral part of the teacher candidate’s experience. Swivl is the easy, effective, and sustainable solution you need to support, develop, and assess teaching candidates.
Swivl’s enhanced audio and visual tools create higher quality submissions for edTPA or PPAT. Our easy editing tools allow videos to conform to your certification program’s quality and compression guidelines. Additionally, multiple microphone sources satisfy the requirement for producing evidence of positive culture and student engagement in the student’s final submission.
For professors and the university, Swivl reduces the need for in-person observations, saving time and fiscal resources. Video is holistic and unbiased and delivers authentic observations. Our online platform Swivl Teams allows professors to customize feedback from professors with time-stamped commenting and multiple Rubrics. Students and professors can even embed videos from Swivl into Canvas, Blackboard, or your preferred LMS.