Use Annotated Videos to Accelerate Language Learning
Using video for student reflection can accelerate the retention of new language skills by inspiring that “A-ha!” moment in a novel way. Swivl’s free web services offer teachers a platform to harness the power of video for student reflection. Our services provide annotated video to cement language skills and accelerate their retention of new material. The new one-way commenting feature, or Annotations, allows time-specific commenting and note-taking to actively reflect and engage.
Here’s how you can try it out in your classroom!
Use the free Swivl platform to record your students practicing the language skills and new vocabulary you teach in class. Take for example learning how to ask for directions in the target language. Pair up your students and ask them to explain to each other how they get to school each day, making sure to use the vocabulary they learned in class. You can have students record 2-4 minute conversations, making sure to keep an open dialogue with at least three back-and-forth questions between the participants.
With your free account, students’ videos are automatically uploaded to Swivl. You can use Annotations to give your students feedback, then share the videos with them. Students can see your comments embedded beside their video. Each comment is time-specific and students can jump to the moment by clicking on it. They can watch their videos on their own time, and replay them as many times as they want.
The value of using video for student reflection is in the acceleration of improvement and gaining a deeper sense of self-awareness that leads to an “A-ha!” moment. Integrate video into the classroom experience by using Swivl to give your students the opportunity to reflect and engage with your feedback. Signing up for a free Swivl account takes less time than it took for you to read this blog post. There is no reason to not give your students the advantage they can receive from the power of using video for self-reflection. If you have any questions or need any assistance, our Swivl team is here to help. What are you waiting for?
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